

Philipp Budka has published and presented his work and research in journals, books, conferences, and the media. Below is a selection of his work. For a full list of publications, visit Budka's ORCID record.

Publications (Selection)


Budka, P., & Bräuchler, B. (Eds.). (2020). Theorising media and conflict. Anthropology of Media Vol. 10. Berghahn Books.
Reviewed in Media, War & Conflict & Global Media Journal.

Luger, M., Graf, F., & Budka, P. (Eds.). (2019). Ritualisierung - Mediatisierung - Performance. (Ritualization - Mediatization - Performance). V&R Unipress/Vienna University Press.
Reviewed in Anthropos.

Trupp, C., & Budka, P. (Eds.). (2008). Workshop "Medien und Film". Austrian Studies in Social Anthropology, Sondernummer KSA-Tage 2007 (Special issue on media and film), Jun. 2008.


Budka, P., Davis-Sulikowski, U., Krainer, A., & Seiser, G. (2024). Elke Mader obituary (1954-2021). Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology, 148, 2 (2023), 327-32.

Budka, P. (2023). Anthropological notes on transforming transport infrastructures in Canada. In J. Priebe, H. Lempinen & H. Vikström (Eds.), Arctic sustainability transformation: What is it, what can it be, and what does it need to be? (p. 21). Umeå University. Booklet Download (PDF)

Budka, P. (2022). Indigenous media: Anthropological perspectives and historical notes. In E. Costa, P. G. Lange, N. Haynes & J. Sinanan (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Media Anthropology (pp. 33-46). Routledge.

Budka, P., & Bräuchler, B. (2022). The materiality of mediated conflict and resistance. In Media Res: A Media Commons Project - Theme Week "Critical Media Forensics", 11 Feb.

Budka, P. (2021). Kultur- und sozialanthropologische Perspektiven auf digital-visuelle Praktiken. Das Fallbeispiel einer indigenen Online-Umgebung im nordwestlichen Ontario, Kanada (Anthropological perspectives on digital-visual practices). In R. Breckner, K. Liebhart & M. Pohn-Lauggas (Eds.), Sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen von Bild- und Medienwelten (pp. 109-132). De Gruyter Oldenbourg.

Udupa, S., & Budka, P. (2021). Social media: Power and politics. In H. Callan & S. Coleman (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. Wiley.

Bräuchler, B., & Budka, P. (2020). Anthropological perspectives on theorising media and conflict. In P. Budka & B. Bräuchler (Eds.), Theorising media and conflict (pp. 3-31). Anthropology of Media Vol. 10. Berghahn Books. Text (PDF).

Budka, P. (2019). Von der Cyber Anthropologie zur Digitalen Anthropologie. Über die Rolle der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie im Verstehen soziotechnischer Lebenswelten (From cyber anthropology to digital anthropology). In M. Luger, F. Graf & P. Budka (Eds.), Ritualisierung - Mediatisierung - Performance (pp. 163-188). V&R Unipress/Vienna University Press.

Budka, P. (2019). Indigenous media technologies in "the digital age": Cultural articulation, digital practices, and sociopolitical concepts. In S. S. Yu & M. D. Matsaganis (Eds.), Ethnic media in the digital age (pp. 162-172). Routledge.

Luger, M., Budka, P., & Graf, F. (2019). Kultur- und sozialanthropologische Perspektiven auf Ritualisierung, Mediatisierung und Performance - Eine Einleitung. (Anthropological perspectives on ritualization, mediatization and performance - An introduction). In M. Luger, F. Graf & P. Budka (Eds.), Ritualisierung - Mediatisierung - Performance (pp. 15-28). V&R Unipress/Vienna University Press.

Budka, P. (2015). From marginalization to self-determined participation: Indigenous digital infrastructures and technology appropriation in Northwestern Ontario's remote communities. Journal des Anthropologues, 142-143(3), 127-153.

Molyneaux, H., O'Donnell, S., Kakekaspan, C., Walmark, B., Budka, P., & Gibson, K. (2014). Social media in remote First Nation communities. Canadian Journal of Communication, 39(2), 275-288.

Budka, P. (2013). Digitale Medientechnologien aus kultur- und sozialanthropologischer Perspektive: Überlegungen zu Technologie als materielle Kultur und Fetisch. (Digital media technologies from an anthropological perspective: Reflections on technology as material culture and fetish). Medien und Zeit, 28(1/2013), 22-34. Abstract & Text.

Bell, B., Budka, P., & Fiser, A. (2012). "We were on the outside looking in" - A First Nations online social environment in northern Ontario. In A. Clement, M. Gurstein, G. Longford, M. Moll & L. R. Shade (Eds.), Connecting Canadians: Investigations in community informatics (pp. 237-254). Athabasca University Press. Text (PDF).

Budka, P. (2009). Indigenous media technology production in Northern Ontario, Canada. In K.-D. Ertler & H. Lutz (Eds.), Canada in Grainau / Le Canada à Grainau: A multidisciplinary survey of Canadian studies after 30 years (pp. 63-74). Peter Lang. Text (PDF).

Budka, P., & Schallert, C. (2009). Transforming learning infrastructures in the social sciences through flexible and interactive technology-enhanced learning. Learning Inquiry, 3(3), 131-142.

Budka, P., & Trupp, C. (2009). Indigener Cyberaktivismus und transnationale Bewegungslandschaften im lateinamerikanischen Kontext (Indigenous cyberactivism and transnational movements in Latin America). In J. Kastner & T. Waibel (Eds.), "... mit Hilfe der Zeichen / por medio de signos..." Transnationalismus, soziale Bewegungen und kulturelle Praktiken in Lateinamerika (pp. 207-226). LIT-Verlag. Text (PDF).

Budka, P., Bell, B., & Fiser, A. (2009). How Northern Ontario's First Nation communities made themselves at home on the World Wide Web. The Journal of Community Informatics, 5(2).

Mader, E., & Budka, P. (2009). Shah Rukh Khan @ Berlinale. Bollywood Fans im Kontext medienanthropologischer Forschung (Shah Rukh Khan @ Berlinale: Bollywood fans in the context of media anthropological research). In C. Tieber (Ed.), Fokus Bollywood. Das indische Kino in wissenschaftlichen Diskursen (pp. 117-131). LIT-Verlag.

Budka, P. (2004). Indigene Widerstandsbewegungen im Kontext von Globalisierung und Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien. Das Fallbeispiel der EZLN in Mexiko (Indigenous resistance movements in the context of globalisation and information and communication technologies: The case of the EZLN in Mexico). Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, XX(2004/1), 33-44. Text (PDF).

Budka, P., & Kremser, M. (2004). CyberAnthropology - anthropology of cyberculture. In S. Khittel, B. Plankensteiner & M. Six-Hohenbalken (Eds.), Contemporary issues in socio-cultural anthropology: Perspectives and research activities from Austria (pp. 213-226). Loecker Verlag. Text (PDF).


Budka, P. (2018). [Review of the book Digital environments: Ethnographic perspectives across global online and offline spaces, by U. U. Frömming, S. Köhn, S. Fox & M. Terry]. Anthropos, 113(1), 303-304. Text.

Budka, P. (2017). [Review of the book Handbuch der Medienethnographie, by C. Bender & M. Zillinger]. Paideuma. Mitteilungen zur Kulturkunde, 63, 303-307. Text.

Budka, P. (2015). [Review of the book Unmasking deep democracy: An anthropology of indigenous media in Canada, by S. B. Hafsteinsson]. Social Anthropology, 23(2), 240-242. Text.

Budka, P. (2015). [Review of the book Cyberidentities at war: The Moluccan conflict on the Internet, by B. Bräuchler]. American Anthropologist, 117(1), 179-180. Text.

Budka, P. (2014). [Review of the book Europäisch-ethnologisches Forschen. Neue Methoden und Konzepte, by S. Hess, J. Moser & M. Schwertl]. Anthropos, 109(2), 694-696. Text.


Budka, P., Schweitzer, P., Povoroznyuk, O., Schmid, K., & Grill, C. (2024). The future of transport infrastructures in the town of Churchill: Executive summary of scenario workshops. University of Vienna, ERC Advanced Grant "Building Arctic Futures: Transport Infrastructures and Sustainable Northern Communities - InfraNorth". (PDF).

Udupa, S., Costa, E., & Budka, P. (2018). The digital turn: New directions in media anthropology (Working Paper No. 63). European Association of Social Anthropologists' Media Anthropology Network.

Budka, P., Kraemer, J., Slama, M., & Yeager, S. (2016). Opening statements for e-seminar on Facebook as research field and research platform (Working Paper No. 57). European Association of Social Anthropologists' Media Anthropology Network.

Budka, P., & Jacono, D. (2013). Football fan communities and identity construction: Past and present of "Ultras Rapid" as sociocultural phenomenon (Working Paper, Conference "Kick It! The Anthropology of European Football"). University of Vienna, EU FP7 Project "Football Research in an Enlarged Europe".

Budka, P. (2011). From cyber to digital anthropology to an anthropology of the contemporary? (Working Paper No. 38). European Association of Social Anthropologists' Media Anthropology Network.


Budka, P. (2025). Bridging past and present: Archival research in ethnographic studies of transport infrastructures. InfraNorth - Building Arctic Futures: Transport Infrastructures and Sustainable Northern Communities Blog, 4 Feb.

Budka, P. (2024). Transportation futures: Reflections on a scenario workshop in Churchill, Canada. InfraNorth - Building Arctic Futures: Transport Infrastructures and Sustainable Northern Communities Blog, 31 Jan.

Budka, P. (2023). "Have you seen a polar bear?" - Transportation during "bear season" in Churchill, Manitoba. InfraNorth - Building Arctic Futures: Transport Infrastructures and Sustainable Northern Communities Blog, 28 Feb.

Budka, P. (2022). A train ride to Hudson Bay. InfraNorth - Building Arctic Futures: Transport Infrastructures and Sustainable Northern Communities Blog, 25 April.

Budka, P., & Povoroznyuk, O. (2021). Reflections on the InfraNorth workshop "The Global Economics and Geopolitics of Arctic Transport Infrastructures". InfraNorth - Building Arctic Futures: Transport Infrastructures and Sustainable Northern Communities Blog, 30 Nov.

Palmberger, M., & Budka, P. (2020). Collaborative ethnography in the digital age: Towards a new methodological framework. Digital Ethnography Initiative (DEI) Blog, 13 Nov.

Budka, P. (2017). Digitale Anthropologie. UniVie Blog - University of Vienna Blog, 9 Jan.

Budka, P. (2011). Fernsehen global - glokal gesehen. Südwind: Magazin für Internationale Politik, Kultur und Entwicklung, Jul.

Budka, P. (2011). Menschen - nicht Medien - revoltieren. Die Presse, 29 Jan.

Papers & Presentations at Conferences & Workshops (2020-2025)
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Budka, P. (2025). Comments on forthcoming chapter in the Arctic Anthropology Handbook. Paper at Arctic Anthropology Handbook Workshop, Rovaniemi, Finland: Arctic Centre, 12-14 February.


Budka, P. (2024). Notes on the transformation of a railway in Northern Manitoba, Canada. Paper at Vienna Anthropology Days 2024, Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna, 23-25 September.
Co-chairing of Panels "Building Tomorrow: Exploring Infrastructures and Futurities", 25 September, and "Digital Ethnography in Post-Pandemic Times: Reflections, Implications, and Innovations", 24 September.

Budka, P. (2024). Comparison in anthropology - what to compare?. Paper at InfraNorth Workshop "Ethnography Beyond the Case Study: Possibilities and Limitations of Comparison", Stockholm, Sweden: Nordregio, 10-11 September.

Budka, P. (2024). Transport infrastructure and community development in Churchill: Findings from future scenario workshops. Presentation at Churchill Barber Symposium 2024, Churchill, Canada: University of Manitoba et al., 28-29 August.

Budka, P. (2024). Planes, trains, ships and rockets: Infrastructural temporalities and entanglements in Northern Manitoba, Canada. Paper at 18th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Barcelona, Spain: University of Barcelona, 23-26 July.
Co-chairing of Panel "Infrastructural Residues: Reproduction and Destruction of Infrastructures Across Space and Time", 26 July.

Budka, P. (2024). Infrastructural futures in Northern Manitoba, Canada. Paper at Arctic Congress, Bodø, Norway: Nordland Research Institute and Nord University, 29 May - 3 June.


Budka, P. (2023). Community transport infrastructures in Northern Manitoba, Canada. Paper at STS Austria Conference 2023, Vienna, Austria: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 27-29 November.

Budka, P. (2023). Infrastructural disruption, entanglement, and change in Northern Manitoba, Canada. Paper at American Anthropological Association (AAA)/Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 15-19 November.
Co-chairing of Panel "Narratives and Temporalities of Infrastructure: The Canadian Experience"; invited by CASCA, 17 November.

Budka, P. (2023). Media anthropology and the archives: On exploring and reconstructing sociotechnical life, histories, and biographies. Paper at EASA Media Anthropology Network Workshop: "Theorising Media and Time", Copenhagen, Denmark: University of Copenhagen, 9-10 November.

Budka, P. (2023). Tourism and transport infrastructures in the "Polar Bear Capital of the World". Paper at International Society for Ethnology and Folklore (SIEF) 16th Congress, Brno, Czech Republic: Masaryk University, 7-10 June.

Budka, P. (2023). Digital and transport infrastructures in remote Canada: Notes on ownership and control. Paper at InfraNorth Workshop "Ethnographies of Infrastructure", Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna, 22 May.

Budka, P. (2023). Cultural dimensions of digital ethics: Anthropological notes and perspectives. Presentation at Academies for Global Innovation and Digital Ethics (AGIDE) Workshop, Vienna, Austria: Austrian Academy of Sciences, 17-18 April.

Budka, P. (2023). Relational infrastructures: Transportation and sustainability in the Subarctic town of Churchill, Canada. Paper at Biennial Conference of the Finnish Anthropological Society, Rovaniemi, Finland: Arctic Centre, 21-23 March.
Co-chairing of Panel "Infrastructures as Relations", 23 March.

Budka, P. (2023). Sustainability transformation and transport infrastructures in Northern Manitoba, Canada. Paper at Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW), Vienna, Austria: University of Vienna, 17-24 February.
Co-chairing of Community Meeting "Introducing InfraNorth - An ERC Advanced Grant Project", 20 February.


Budka, P. (2022). The failures and promises of transport infrastructure in a remote Canadian town. Paper at 17th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Belfast, UK: Queen's University Belfast, 26-29 July.
Co-chairing of EASA Media Anthropology Network Panel "Digital Media, Work and Inequalities", 27 July.


Budka, P. (2021). Anthropological notes on digital and transport infrastructures in remote communities. Paper at Anthropology of Technology Conference, Aarhus, Denmark: Aarhus University, 4-5 November.

Budka, P. (2021). Anthropologies of sociotechnical mediation in Austria. Paper at EASA Media Anthropology Network Workshop: "Media Anthropologies in Europe", Online (hosted by European Association of Social Anthropologists), 14-15 October.
Co-organization of EASA Media Anthropology Network Workshop "Media Anthropologies in Europe", 14-15 October.

Budka, P. (2021). Indigenizing digital futures: The case of a web-based environment for remote First Nation communities in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. Paper at German Anthropological Association Conference, Online (hosted by University of Bremen, Germany), 27 September - 1 October.

Budka, P. (2021). The rise and fall of an indigenous web-based platform in Northwestern Ontario, Canada. Paper at Research Infrastructure for the Study of Archived Web Materials (RESAW21) Conference: "Mainstream vs Marginal Content in Web History and Web Archives", Online (hosted by University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg), 17-18 June.

Budka, P. (2021). Comments on "virtual territory and connection misfits". Discussant's Comments for Workshop "Feeling Digital and Reimagining Fieldwork during COVID Time", Online (hosted by University of Hong Kong, People's Republic of China), 11-12 May.

Budka, P. (2021). Erkundungen des digitalen Lebens (Explorations of digital life). Presentation at Lecture Series "kafi blickfabrik", Online (hosted by Ethnological Association Zurich, Switzerland), 17 March.

Budka, P. (2021). Digital Forschen in der Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie (Digital research in sociocultural anthropology). Presentation at Seminar Series "De la idea a la practica", Online (hosted by Working Group German Latin America Research), 10 February.


Budka, P. (2020). Digital and remote ethnography: Notes on comparison, visual culture and web histories. Paper at "Wednesday Lectures" of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Vienna, Online (hosted by University of Vienna, Austria), 7 December.

Budka, P. (2020). Digital ethnography and web archives: The case of an indigenous web-based environment. Paper at Vienna Anthropology Days 2020 (VANDA2020), Online (hosted by University of Vienna, Austria), 28 September - 1 October.
Co-chairing of Panel "Digital Ethnography: Revisiting Theoretical Concepts and Methodological Approaches", 1 October.

Budka, P. (2020). Traces of digital decoloniality in an indigenous web-based environment. Paper at Engaging with Web Archives (EWA20): "Opportunities, Challenges and Potentialities", Online (hosted by Maynooth University, Republic of Ireland), 21-22 September. Book of Abstracts.

Palmberger, M., & Budka, P. (2020). Collaborative ethnography in the digital age: Towards a new methodological framework. Paper at 16th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), Online (hosted by University of Lisbon, Portugal), 21-24 July.
Co-chairing of EASA Media Anthropology Network Panel "Engaged Media Anthropology in the Digital Age", 24 July.

Media Interviews
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Interview for Austrian Polar Research Institute (APRI). (2022). "Erkundungen von Kanadas nördlichen Transportinfrastrukturen".
Interview in English (translated by APRI)


Interview for Forschung & Lehre. (2021). "Quo vadis, Feldforschung?".

Interview for Uni:view Magazin of the University of Vienna. (2021). "Buchtipp des Monats von Philipp Budka".


Interview for European Science-Media Hub. (2020). "A scientist's opinion: Interview with Dr Philipp Budka about the on-life".
Part of "The way of on-life: Introducing the Digital Humanities Series".

Interview for HMKW News. (2020). "Medienaktivismus verstehen: Im Gespräch mit Dozent Dr. Philipp Budka".
English version.


Interview for (2014). "Die WM als Karneval der Gefühle".

Interview for Querspur. (2014). "Die Wiedergeburt des Lokalen".

Roundtable Discussion for UniCut - Okto TV. (2014). "YouTube Yourself".


Interview for Uni:view Magazin of the University of Vienna. (2012). "eLearning: Offener Zugang zu Bildung".


Interview for (2010). "Social Network für Indianer: "Wir waren zuerst da!"".


Interview for Sioux Lookout Bulletin. (2007). "PhD student writing dissertation on K-Net".

[page top] | Last Update: 2025-02-13 | CC by-nc-sa Philipp Budka 2002-2025