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Seminar: Identity, sociality and communality in times of digital media technologies

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In the winter term 2012/2013, I am teaching a seminar on “Identity, sociality and communality in times of digital media technologies” at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna. Students in this course learn about and to work with different forms of identity construction and processes of sociality and communality, which have been made possible through digital media technologies, such as the internet. Students get a brief overview about identity concepts and the possibility to deploy them within empirical research projects.

Find more information about this seminar here:

Article: Neue Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im sozialwissenschaftlichen Studium

Article: Neue Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im sozialwissenschaftlichen Studium published on No Comments on Article: Neue Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im sozialwissenschaftlichen Studium

Budka, P., Schallert, C., Mitterauer, L., Hintermayer, M. 2012. Neue Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im sozialwissenschaftlichen Studium (New developments and challenges in social science studies). Das Hochschulwesen, 3/2012, 99-106.

Dieser Beitrag befasst sich mit dem Studieren der Sozialwissenschaften in der Ära von Bologna, die neben der curricularen Umstellung auf  ein zwei- bzw. dreistufiges System von Studienabschlüssen und der Einführung eines  ECTS Leistungspunktesystems vermehrt auch eine Steigerung der Arbeits- und Prüfungsbelastung für die Studierenden mit sich bringt (z.B. Allenspach/Husfeldt 2012). Am Fallbeispiel der im Zuge des Bologna-Prozesses 2007 implementierten gemeinsamen sozialwissenschaftlichen Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase der Universität  Wien (SOWI-STEOP, werden Herausforderungen, Strukturen und Entwicklungen in Bezug auf die spezifischen Charakteristika der Studienbeginner/innen diskutiert und studentische Erwartungen und Bewertungen beleuchtet.

Text (PDF)

Seminar: Public and Interdisciplinary Communication in Social and Cultural Anthropology

Seminar: Public and Interdisciplinary Communication in Social and Cultural Anthropology published on No Comments on Seminar: Public and Interdisciplinary Communication in Social and Cultural Anthropology

In the summer term 2012, I am organizing the seminar “Public and Interdisciplinary Communication in Social and Cultural Anthropology” at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna. More details on the seminar’s objectives, methods and topics can be found here in German:

A first round of brainstorming with the students about social and cultural anthropology in relation to “the public” and forms of interdisciplinarity resulted in this mind map (German):

Paper: Interactive technology enhanced learning for social science students

Paper: Interactive technology enhanced learning for social science students published on No Comments on Paper: Interactive technology enhanced learning for social science students

Budka, P., Schallert, C., Mader, E. “Interactive technology enhanced learning for social science students”, Paper for ICL Conference 2011, Piestany, Slovakia, 21-23 September 2011.

Prezi Presentation

This paper introduces the case of an interactive technology enhanced learning model, its contexts and infrastructure at a public university in the Bologna era. From a socio-technological perspective, it takes a look at the conditions and challenges under which this flexible learning model for the social sciences has been developed. Furthermore, selected evaluation results, including experiences and expectations of social science students, are discussed. The paper concludes that it is possible, with the appropriate didactical model, to create and facilitate interactive student-centered learning situations, even in “mass lectures”.

Article: Blended learning in the joint social science introduction and orientation phase at the University of Vienna

Article: Blended learning in the joint social science introduction and orientation phase at the University of Vienna published on No Comments on Article: Blended learning in the joint social science introduction and orientation phase at the University of Vienna

Payrhuber, A., Schallert, C., Budka, P. 2010. Blended Learning in der gemeinsamen sozialwissenschaftlichen Studieneingangs- und Orientierungsphase an der Universität Wien (Blended learning in the joint social science introduction and orientation phase at the University of Vienna). In Hamburger eLearning-Magazin: eLearning in Massenveranstaltungen, 5 Dec. 2010, 21-24. (PDF)


eLearning in Form von Blended Learning wird in der gemeinsamen sozialwissenschaftlichen Studieneingangsphase der Universität Wien verwendet, um interaktive Lehr- und Lernsituationen in Massenlehrveranstaltungen zu kreieren und um studentische Selbstlernprozesse zu unterstützen.

SOWI-STEOP an der Uni Wien
Hamburger eLearning-Magazin

Lecture: Media Ethnographies – Ethnography in/and the Anthropology of Media

Lecture: Media Ethnographies – Ethnography in/and the Anthropology of Media published on No Comments on Lecture: Media Ethnographies – Ethnography in/and the Anthropology of Media

In the winter term 2010/2011 Philipp is giving a lecture on media ethnographies in the context of an anthropology of media technologies at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna. By using different case studies, the lecture aims to highlight the importance of ethnography in understanding media phenomena.

For more information in German go to:

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